You have to create a filter using "advanced qualify" and then use those strings:
Filter with prompts on date between:
ApplyComparison ("#0 is not null AND #0 BETWEEN #E1 and #E2"; yearmonth@ID; ?[ yearmonth_TO]; ?[ yearmonth_FROM])
Comparison last 12 months:
ApplyComparison (" #0 between to_number(to_char(add_months(to_date(#E1, 'yyyymm'), - 11 ), 'yyyymm')) and #E1 ";
yearmonth@ID; ?[
yearmonth_TO ])
ApplyComparison (" #0 between #E1 and to_number(to_char(add_months(to_date(#E1, 'yyyymm'), + #E2 -1), 'yyyymm')) "; yearmonth@ID; ?[ yearmonth_FROM ] ; ?[n_month])
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